• info@case2023.org
  • Cordis Hotel, Auckland CBD, New Zealand


IEEE CASE Best Paper Awards

IEEE CASE2023 organizes competitions for the following four Best Paper Awards. The CASE2023 Awards Committee will select the finalists for each award. The finalists will be required to present their papers in person or online in Special Awards sessions.

Details about these awards can be found below,

More information can also be found at https://www.ieee-ras.org/awards-recognition/conference-awards

Peter Luh Memorial Best Paper Award for Young Researcher

Due to the tragic death of our Father of Automation, Professor Peter Luh, a specific CASE award for young researchers in memory of Peter has now been established. Authors of already accepted IEEE CASE 2023 papers are therefore invited to submit a nomination for “Peter Luh Memorial Best Paper Award for Young Researcher”.

To fulfill the criterion as a young researcher, the nominee should 1) be the lead researcher of the work reported in the paper, 2) must hold a PhD degree not older than five years by 31 August 2023. Interested young researchers, fulfilling these criteria, should submit the nomination to the Conference Award Chair George Huang (gq.huang@polyu.edu.hk) through email latest August 1. In the nomination it is allowed to include up to two recommendation letters.