• info@case2023.org
  • Cordis Hotel, Auckland CBD, New Zealand

RAS Student Travel Grant Application

To be eligible, an applicant must be a Student member of IEEE Robotics and Automation Society with accepted CASE 2023 papers or abstracts and participate the conference In-Person in Auckland, New Zealand. Applications are reviewed on a competitive basis.

  • The application deadline is June 30th.
  • The decisions are released on July 6th July 14th.

1. The travel grants are processed as an expense reimbursement for up to 500 USD after the conference is finished.

2. All receipts for expenses and proof of attendance need to be provided before the reimbursement can be issued.

3. All travel grants will be reimbursed up to the amount receipts are provided but no more than 500 USD.

4. The travel grants winners will receive bank transfer payments when they provide post conference documents completely, which include copy of passport, flight ticket and boarding pass, and student ID. As the University of Auckland is party processing the reimbursement payments, the travel grants winners are also expected to complete detailed information form for tax purposes and bank proof meeting the requirements of the university.

5. The reimbursement will be processed in NZD and use the exchange rate on the day the payment request goes through. The actual USD amount the award winners receive may be different due to the fluctuating exchange rate.

Click here to apply