• info@case2023.org
  • Cordis Hotel, Auckland CBD, New Zealand

Paper Submission

Submission Format

  • Regular papers: The number of pages including all figures is limited to six, but two additional pages will be permitted at an extra page charge. The file size is limited up to 3 MB. Authors should prepare their papers based on the LaTex template or Microsoft Word template.
  • Special session papers: After special session proposals are approved, papers may be submitted to the special sessions and should conform to the formatting and electronic submission guidelines of regular papers. Authors should obtain the session code from the session organizer(s) in order to finalize the submission. Special session papers will undergo the same review process as regular papers. Note: There is a “Special Session Presentation-Only Abstract” option. Only a two-page abstract is required. Accepted submissions will make oral presentations at the conference and be listed in the final program, but will not appear in IEEE Xplore.
  • RA-L/T-ASE presentation-only papers: Authors whose papers have been published (or accepted for publication) can submit a “Presentation-only paper” with no further review. Only the original paper abstract is required. You should also include full citation details, plus DOI. Accepted submissions will make oral presentations at the conference and be listed in the final program but will not appear in IEEE Xplore. The same may also apply to other IEEE papers, e.g. T-RO and T-MRB. The T-ASE Submission Code is “z8xe4”.
  • Work-in-progress and Industry papers: This category is especially for late-breaking results or industry submissions. For Industrial Papers at least one of the authors must be from the industry. The paper can be submitted with a maximum length of 4 pages. These papers will be included in the printed conference program, but not in IEEE Xplore. For uploading on PaperCept, please refer to Presentation-only Papers.

Submission Procedure

The submission is now open through PaperCept, please see the following link: http://ras.papercept.net/
Full papers are to be submitted.
You can find information on the required template at: http://ras.papercept.net/conferences/support/support.php
Authors should adhere to the following steps for submitting papers:
1. Create an account: go to https://ras.papercept.net/, then PIN and fill out the form. Ask all your co-authors to do the same if they do not have an account on the system yet, write down the authors’ PINs (this information is needed for manuscript processing purposes).
2. Go to Support Menu and depending on how you are preparing your paper, download a template: LaTeX or MS-Word. Use these templates/style files to create a paper and save in PDF format.
3. Upload the paper: go to https://ras.papercept.net/ and click on “submit a contribution to CASE 2023″.  Click an appropriate link to submit a regular paper, a special session paper, or a presentation only paper. For special session paper submissions, please get a special session code either from special session organizers or from the “Accepted Special Sessions” page of this website.
4. Fill in the form presented on the next page (make sure to enter all authors’ PINs created in Step 1.